Welcome to Disentis Open 2014
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Meteo Sunday morning: We go upProbably the cloudbase will rise above take too late for a task. But there is a certain westerly airflow (10kn at 2-3000m) witch could leed to a bit of dry-out effect just in our area. We go up, BRIEFING 10:30 AT MIDDLESTATION CAISCHAVEDRA
Infos Saturday noonNew weather report is online - looks not ver good... |
Weather report Friday noonSaturday:
All Infos on our Meteo-Site |
Weather Report for Sa and Sunday - TRAINING DAY IS CANCELLEDSaturday: Sunday: |
Weather previewWe will make regularely previews and weather reports at our weather section: http://www.disentis-open.ch/2014/home/pilots-area/meteo-surselva/2014-07-06-preview.html I cannot say, that it will be nice - but for sure better as this weeks :-))