Welcome to Disentis Open 2014
Latest News
Wednesday: Task 3, 95kmMichi Küffer wins ahead of Michi Maurer. News, Results and Photos. |
Tuesday: Task 2 60km60km, Michi Maurer, Michael Küffer, Markus Wicki / Daniela Iseli Fotos from Andy Busslinger (© www.andreasbusslinger.ch) Fotos from Martin Scheel (© www.azoom.ch) |
Monday: Task 1 30km30km, Michi Maurer, Michael Küffer, Maxime Bellemin / Yael Margelisch
Sunday: Task cancelled because of rain at take off1 hour waiting at the middle station Caischavedra, 2nd briefing at 11:30. The clouds where low, but it has been flyable most of the time. |
Weather Report FridayGood weather - hopefully with less sinking airmass... BRIEFING 10:00 AT MIDDLE STATION CAISCHAVEDRA PRIZE GIVING AFTER THE TASK, PROBABLY LATE. |