
Livetracking 2016:
All tasks from Disentis Open

Results 2016:
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Disentis Open in 79s
from Niels Dachler


Surselva Flaigers

Vol Liber Grischun



Official Carrier

Swiss Open 2016, July 26th to August 1st 2016

Latest News


Report and Mediareport

You find our reports in the media section.

Monday - News

- Final ranking

- Fotos on Facebook

- A short movie from Boris Zeltner

- A short movie from Tawan Boonkong

Sunday - News

- Weather Report for Monday


Monday is cancelled, because of the weather (8hPa pressure difference). Price giving is at 14:00. Apéro starts at 13:30 at hotel Sax.


Final ranking is now online here.

Fotos on Facebook are here.

Saturday - News

- Daily Report

- Ranking

Livetracking Task 4

You find the livetracking of task 4 under the following link:




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