To fly in Switzerland you have to be in possesion of a valid liability insurance.
Swiss Federation
The Swiss Federation provides the possibility to take out an insurance policy:
- Lability insurance for one month (CHF 10 Mio., CHF 45.- + 7.- = CHF 52.-)
- Accident insurance (CHF 100)
Infos you find here:
AXA Insurance Package “ Holiday & Comp”
AXA Insurance Package “ Holiday & Comp” for all international pilots. Premium: EUR 200,--
- 3rd party liability coverage: EUR 1,5 Mio – 1 year valid, )
- Emergency Rescue coverage: up to EUR 10.000,-- ( inclusive expensive helicopter rescue) - 1 year valid
- Repatriation Costs coverage and Medical Cost coverage: up to a total of EUR 20.000 – valid for the time of official training and competition or holiday period
This package is restricted to EU and Swiss territory but extended to all FAI/CIVL comps world wide except US.
Infos you find here: